Using the power of social media, we are proposing the use of a shared digital space for business and community across the Country to populate, express their views and add weight to the HS2 case!

This we propose be hosted at, a domain available which can be designed and live within days.


The future of HS2! With You!

Using the power of social media, we are proposing the use of a shared digital space for business and community across the Country to populate, express their views and add weight to the HS2 case!

This we propose be hosted at, a domain available which can be designed and live within days.

There are a growing number of online reviews and discussions taking place over the future of HS2.  This will continue given the current political climate.

 There are some significant differences of opinion.

But across community, particularly in the Midlands and the North, there is considerable support for HS2!

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Supporting HS2 in the Midlands, we have Andy Street and representing Commerce in Greater Birmingham, Paul Faulkner of the Greater Chamber of Commerce.

The vast majority of people in the community we engage with via and back HS2.

We are well aware of the implications for many if work was to be put on hold and the uncertainty has already led many to rethink their plans and linked investment over other infrastructure decisions.

Community and business engagement by HS2

HS2 Limited has done a great job in its engagement of business and community, and we’ll add to this at a crucial time over its future.

We have the ideal platform to pull the business and community case together in the one digital space.  The digi-tech is called YourPlaceYourSpace and an example of its use and application can be seen at

A similar collaborative space can be up and running within days as the tech already exists.  Furthermore, we have an ideal domain through which to manage the engagement and the insight and more importantly a space that could be shared by multiple contributors as a collaborative environment to build the case for HS2.

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To provide an engagement space that is self-populated by business and the public creating a ‘Community of Passion’ that is totally behind the continuation of HS2.

With the support of HS2 Ltd and others such as Chambers of Commerce, we would engage with a steering group (those vocal and open in their support) and create a space where community and business can connect, share resource and demonstrate both the individual and collective case for HS2.

We have a well mapped out model for creating such a ‘Community of Passion’ and with our ItsyourBuild connections combined with those from the Chambers and other organisations across the regions, this can start to come together within days!

Step 1

Connect with a steering group. Initial face to face discussions can then move on-line.

Step 2

Create the first collaborative project in our secure Community Workspace and set up a chat between the engagement steering group.

Step 3

Pool existing material already published in different locations and build a centralised library (private or public access can be assigned to each).

Step 4

Identify sources of fresh insight and opinion.  A database of links and URLs to material being gathered.

Step 5

Create secure list of contacts who are keen to be involved.  For example, community contributors at ItsyourBuild have engaged with several contractors and this has led to further opportunities to engage.

Step 6

‘Map and track’ business interests – this is a great visual tool for mapping all those with an interest in HS2. Those where investments made; those where investments pending, those who are seeing a return already; those with views over what it could mean for their business; supply chain interests etc.

Step 7

‘Map and track’ community interests – as above but bringing in those who can see clear returns for their community. (e.g. education, social value, etc)

Step 8

Give contributors access so they can add content to HS2withYou and create their own project in support of HS2 and invite their contacts.

This community will then Scale!

Step 9

Build and grow the engagement and the insight.

Step 10

Connect with others who can utilise the insight to present a collective and well informed case.

Next steps

A visual presentation of what can be delivered.

This can be carried out digitally on-line and then with invited parties from Corporates and other interest groups.

With resource committed, we would be aiming to have the engagement well in place for the time the new PM is announced.

Contact to discuss

Jonathan Bostock

m: 07432 637322