Berrington Hall, National Trust in Herefordshire

Berrington Hall is a National Trust Property in Herefordshire. It was the seat of the Cawley family. Built in 1778-81. Had Capability Brown's last landscape designed garden.

Berrington Hall is a country house north of Leominster in Herefordshire. In the 20th century, the estate was the seat of the Cawley family. It is a neoclassical country house building that Henry Holland designed in 1778-81 for Thomas Harley. Berrington features Capability Brown's last landscape design. The house has been a Grade I listed building since 1959. In 1957 the 3rd Lord Cawley transferred it to the Treasury, which passed it on to the National Trust. Lady Cawley was allowed to remain in occupation until her death in 1978.

Berrington HallBerrington Hall. Photography by Elliott Brown


Official website

Berrington Hall

Project dates

05 Jun 2024 - On-going


History & heritage, Environment & green action, Green open spaces
Classic Architecture


Your Place Your Space

Jonathan Bostock

0121 410 5520